@pale.emperor Holy smokes.
Pale Emperor be like:
a new book has just been published called the oxford handbook of the bible in america.
in it is an article by michael gilmour, professor of new testament at (the evangelical) providence university college in manitoba, canada, on jws and the nwt.
that's chapter 41. but that is not the only time jws are brought up.
@pale.emperor Holy smokes.
Pale Emperor be like:
watch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
@Alfred Jump in at 07:45
replace one word in a song title with the word 'elder/s'.. eg.
the elders are back in town' (boys).
smoke on the elder (water).
Elder Rape Party - Marilyn Manson
i was walking out of the store and i passed a former jw associate of 20+ years.
"keith"he was an elder, got df'd, lost his wife, got reinstated and last i heard started pioneering!so i see him as i'm walking to my parking spot.. i stop, look him straight in the face and yell from 20 feet away, "you're in a cult.
you're in a cult, dude!".
Lol. I actually had a chuckle picturing that scene as a spectator in the parking lot. Watching you walk away from the mental grenade you threw at the brother like:
@Cold Steel Serial killers have also been given a pass. Fast forward to 1:23:20
as we all sadly know, a common expression used by the society and elders in cases of abuse, or scandals, is "if you talk about this, you will bring reproach on jehovah's name!".
this is uttered in order to deter making something known.. but really, if it is a case of abuse, is not the act itself the thing that brings "reproach on jehovah"?.
making it known is not the problem.. rather hiding it, or not disclosing it to authorities is the thing that brings reproach!.
Groundbreaking. Since God sees all things, the act itself should be regarded as the reproachful thing.
I've never thought of it like that. Good post!
on another thread, undercover suggested "adam and the dinosaurs".. i came up with these:.
green bible dinosaurs.
jezebel and the fornicators.
Kool Aid & the Gang.
from facebook:just saw my jw mother after not seeing her for more than 2 years.
when i do see her, it is brief, she never asks about my life, doesn't ask about my 4 children her grandchildren, doesn't ask about my grandchildren...her great grandchildren, she doesn't ask about my other 2 brothers that she is also alienated from, she doesn't ask about my brothers family.
she doesn't talk about the jw/org either.
@LoveUniHateExams And 1874.
i dislike long topics......so here it is.. i suffered for my religion, now it's your turn.. when i first left the corporation my life exploded into a suicidal chaos.. my family broke up.
i lost my so called friends.. luckily, i had worldly friends from all walks of life that supported me, even though they had no idea why i was so suicidal.
in as much as they hadn't left cults.. i went from the corporation to a baptist church.
That is awesome!!! (not the Black Death part, but your band)
The 70s and 80s saw some incredible music from English composers. I had a thing with Jimmy Kaleth (lead singer from Jonesy and Gold) back in '10. He's in Brighton right now. Still on friendly terms : ). Don't want to hijack your thread, but have to share this oldie from Jonesy:
i dislike long topics......so here it is.. i suffered for my religion, now it's your turn.. when i first left the corporation my life exploded into a suicidal chaos.. my family broke up.
i lost my so called friends.. luckily, i had worldly friends from all walks of life that supported me, even though they had no idea why i was so suicidal.
in as much as they hadn't left cults.. i went from the corporation to a baptist church.
@punkofnice: "I'm old, with a face so wrinkled I'm having a skin graft from my nut sack."
My sweet lord.
Dare I ask, what was your first STI? The Plague?
PS: Which genre from the 70s??? You're tapping into my world, now...